Tinker Stories

Fabulous Filter

2018-07-24T16:47:18+09:00 Mar 16, 2018|Tinker Stories|0 Comments

Water is one of the most important resources on Earth.

We need water to grow and to stay alive.

It is important for us to drink and use clean water for cooking.

We also need water to grow plants and care for animals, flush the toilet, and wash our clothes.

With the recent heavy rains in Kenya, flooding and pollution has increased.

Our Tinker students show us how to make a simple filter and clean dirty rainwater for domestic use.

This project uses sand, charcoal, and stones to remove impurities such as leaves, twigs, and dead bugs.

Learning Science with experiments teaches our young students about social impact.

See what other environmentally-friendly inventions you can come up with at home!

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