Balloon Buster Game

Balloon Buster Game

2020-11-27T09:16:54+09:00 Nov 27, 2020|Tinker Stories|0 Comments

Mulu, 10 years old has been working on creating his Balloon Buster projects the past few days in his Scratch class.!

During this season of homeschooling, working, and playing at home, kids are glued to screens more often than not. Fortunately for some, their  classes with their schools, their time may consist of learning and interacting with peers or their teacher. Most of it, however, is likely used to watch shows, or play games.

While having fun is important during this time of the pandemic, Tinker students have been challenging themselves in their STEM classes. Mulu, 10 years old has been working on creating his Balloon Buster projects the past few days in his Scratch class.!

It’s a  Simple game where you make balloons appear and move around  in the sky, the player then needs to pop them with the mouse pointer. You can change the colours of the balloon to whatever you prefer. There is a score every time the balloon is busted!

After successfully creating his game, he decided to create a short tutorial on how he did the project for the viewers understanding. Kindly watch the video below to learn more about how Mulu’s project works.

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