Aliyah, 9 years old has been learning coding for the past 2 years. And for the last 2 months she has been learning about AI and Machine Learning.
For this lesson, she learnt about Chatbots!
Do you know what are chatbots?
Well, a Chatbot, a.k.a Chatting robot is a software that automatically communicates with people based on artificial intelligence.
Aliyah explains the different types of chatbots and their usages as follows:
This week, she created an owl based chatbot that can answer questions about a topic of choice about owls. Aliyah trained the machine learning model to recognize questions by typing examples of how those questions could be asked. She used Scratch to make an owl character that answers those questions. Aliyah was able to know that they need to provide a lot of examples to be used to improve the accuracy of the machine getting the questions right . She was able to identify the relevant machine learning blocks to be used for this task.
By the end of the lesson she created an OWL chatbot that can answer all the basic questions about owls automatically. What a great way to aquire knowledge about coding as well as owls!

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