From different studies, it has been clear over time that the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics have been male dominated for the longest time. This is a huge challenge in the digital transformation era and will continue to be, until women get enough opportunities to explore STEM not only in the job market but also throughout elementary, middle and high school.
There are vast benefits that come with giving women equal opportunities to pursue and thrive in STEM related careers. Some of these benefits include:
- Prevents biases in these fields
- Elevate women’s economic security
- Make proper utilization of the diverse and talented STEM workforce.
- Generally, get rid of the gender pay gap
Expose young girls to STEM
Exposing and encouraging young girls to get involved in STEM could go a long way in the bid to have more women in STEM fields. This will also involve trying to change any negative perceptions that they may have developed at a young age towards this field. With this, those who are talented will be in a position to grow their interest and become successful in STEM.

Serve as a mentor
The role of mentorship is very key. Finding mentors to the young girls at an early age could help build their confidence into getting more engaged in STEM. From a recent study, many women who have excelled in STEM related fields have accredited it to mentorship. At Tinker we have taken this seriously by having STEM instructors who act as mentors to the young girls who enroll into our programs.

Encourage young girls to participate in special programs
More programs in STEM have emerged. Encouraging girls to participate in such activities will help in maintaining their interest in this field. Tinker offers different programs that are STEM oriented and are suitable for the young developing minds. These programs include Python Programming language, scratch block-based coding and web development. From these programs, we have seen students improve on their creativity, communication skills, critical thinking, and persistence among other 21st century skills.

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